
Hi Pat;

I read your piece and went in many different directions.

Vulnerable stuff, this.

My favourite kind.

Thanks for delving deep and sharing.

I like this kind of writing a lot. It is interesting, fun to compare mindscapes. To see where people go.


Hi Charlotte, Thanks for your comments. I really do appreciate it. I do spend a lot of time on these. Tho i have been doing this since i was a late teenager, I think i am better at it now but my views are relatively very similar. I would ask you, if you don’t mind, to include these in my comments. If it is alright with you i will include this one. It helps all the way around. You know the scene, being an artist yourself. Thanks again. Hope all is well with you......Patrick

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We are here for a reason. To fulfill a purpose each in our own way. Follow your path trusting that you are where you are for a purpose. Trying to encourage others to find peace in the way I find it, is recieved well by some and rejected by others?

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Ideals riding on a white horse galloping across a desert of hope. That's life somewhere for some.

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Family, friends, lovers, are those that have had an impact on our lives over time. It is difficult to maintain close ties in each case since we are individuals that are faced with using time to live in a way that we choose based on how we think and feel. I look at friends, family, etc, and remember the good times we had at the time we had them. I still feel the same love I had at the time and still feel the same way about them. I don't think any one of them feel like they want to disown us. I think their feelings have same closeness as always. They don't go out of the way to hate us. It's just not possible to have close relations since our direction is going different ways. Sometimes we feel bad because we didn't pay much attention to those that are close to us but time in a different place. We are all influenced by things around us. Friends, family, politics, news, etc. etc. Each individual will choose direction based on what they feel is right. Many are lost in the great pool of choices available. Lots are confused, some are challenged, others are confident, followers, etc. Life is living. Being content and at peace is probably the best place since there is nothing to left achieve but to be at peace. Hard to find. Two things are absolutely needed to sustain life. Food and Shelter. That is all. Majority of the world is starving. They don't have easy access to food and shelter so they spend most of their time looking for it. Those that have it are looking for more. There is never enough. Large imbalance in this world. It's difficult to be at peace since everyone is striving to maintain their existing standard to advance or keep up. Best thing is to do your best today. Can't change the past, don't know the future, so do it today. Love your family, friends, etc. without regrets, remember the best time spent with them and feel that same strong love for them as you did then. That puts you in the best place. It's not where they are, it's where you are that counts. Forgiveness brings peace. Love brings us together.

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faint love lingering in the strangest ways.

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